Heather Weber
Circle of Love
Heather Weber grew up in Rexburg, Idaho, attended Ricks College and graduated from Utah State with a bachelor’s degree in Marketing. She is married to Jon Weber and they have 5 great children and 7 fabulous grandchildren.
Heather began working at Circle of Love while in high school and after graduation from Utah State, Jon and Heather purchased the Circle of Love. Over the years they have purchased several
properties on Main Street, beautifying them along the way.
Heather has always loved fashion- her passion is making women feel beautiful, Knowing that she plays a part in helping them find the most important dress of their life is so rewarding. Heather feels so blessed to be able to help others’ dream come true. She has been involved in many activities and events over the years that has touched many lives and made our community a better place to live.
Some of these include:
Madison Distinguished Young Women for over 20 years.
Currently serving on the Idaho State Legislature spouse committee, teaching life skills classes and judging Idaho State DECA and BPA competitions.
Life motto – Surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally and be intentional in adding value to the world that you live in.